Monday, July 19, 2010

Perhaps The Most Important Health Story You've Never Heard

Let's start off by asking ourselves a simple question:

~ And let's suppose, for argument's sake, that there really is a cure for cancer(there actually is, and is very inexpensive). So assuming you believe there is a cure for cancer, and yet, you watch people you know die from using chemo and radiation, and those that survive the oncologist's care, are generally on drugs for the rest of their lives, because the chemo and radiation kills the body's immune system.

Don't get me wrong, I am not attacking oncologists. I am sure they went into this field to help people. Yet does it? Not that I have found, anywhere. What I have found is countless medical doctors who state, off the record of course, that the cancer patient would well do better if they did nothing, rather than do chemo and radiation. Doing nothing, according to government figures, shows you live on average, 4 times longer than if you do chemo and radiation. That's an average. Many people take their health into their own hands, and eliminate the problem, using some knowledge and discipline.

So the question would be: with the above in mind, would you trust your health to the U.S. medical system? Think about that before you answer. I would not have a problem with going to a doctor if I had an injury, say...a broken bone. But if I developed a disease like cancer(which I've had and cured myself), why would I go to the oncologist and spend upwards of perhaps $200,000? And for what? Extending my life a couple of years or so? Why not extend it in perfect, or at least, nearly perfect health for a long time, and keep my money so I'm not massively in debt?

I had to learn the hard way how to cure disease. You see, I've had several. Notice I said I've "had" several. I no longer do. When we understand how the body works, it is not difficult to realize that raw foods are a prime tool in healing yourself from any disease acquired after birth. I use more than raw foods. Besides making sure everything I eat is organic, or wildcrafted, I also use therapeutic quality aromatherapy, since its benefits far exceed anything the medical system in the U.S. can make you pay for. I also use energy healing. There are other methods as well, some of which many Americans would not understand, yet cost nothing. Two of those are Color Therapy, and Crystal Therapy. I use all these and more.

But let's get back to the headline of this article, which is The Most Important Health Story You've Never Heard. Why have you Never heard this story? Pharmaceutical, FDA, AMA, U.S. Government corruption. Read this story, which presents itself to you fairly well.

And personally, I see the Obama health care plan as nothing short of one of the U.S. governments method of enslavement. I will never pay for health care that has nothing to do with health. There are those who of course, will disagree with me. It's all in how you see things, and what you know.

This mini-video series may help you with some knowledge and drive to get your health and finances back in shape. All 4 videos are well worth watching. You will not be disappointed, unless of course, your ego is bigger than you are.

I Belong To A Group Of People Who Give To Others To Help Them Out. Check Out Our Site Here. If You Would Like Our Help, Sign Up Here.

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