Monday, June 28, 2010


Mosquitoes. Are you plagued by them? Mosqutoes are very sensitive to certain things, one of which is your body scent. I received an email from another healer a couple of days ago, which had testimonials from people who had this very issue. When taking vitamin B-1, or Thiamine, in large enough quantities, they all stated this kept mosquitoes at bay. And since I rarely take just plain vitamins, but whole food supplements such as barley grass powder, alfalfa powder, chlorella powder and more instead, I thought perhaps I should see if this was true.

For the first 40 years of my life I was never bothered by mosquitoes, even when they were thick enough in the air you could swat them with a table knife. And yet for the last 3 years, this has changed. So I set off on my search for some Thiamine.

Unfortunately I was unable to find vitamin B-1 in stores or online that were free of chemicals. Apparently the vitamin companies are either bought off by the drug companies, intimidated by them or the FDA, or they are run by the drug companies. There never used to be chemicals in our vitamins. I still have some containers from years ago that list no chemicals. Of course, these companies are generally not obligated to list all ingredients either. The chemicals involved include "magnesium stearate", stearic acid, titanium dioxide, silicon dioxide, and more. All these are listed on the MSDS sheets as being health hazards, although the titanium dioxide is listed as hazardous when ingested, or inhaled, or put on the skin, but non-toxic. A health hazard but non-toxic? I don't understand that one. Of course, the msds sheets are created by the manufacturer, who is going to give you only the info they have to, to help offset concern. As a rule anyway.

So I did a web search to find foods, herbs, essential oils with high amounts of B vitamins. Not finding much to go on, I ended up using Bee Pollen and Brewers Yeast, which are both high sources of B vitamins. I read that this takes a little while to build up in your system, but I had some results in a few hours. When I was out weeding the garden tonite, the mosquitoes were landing, but I did not get bit. So apparently I have been lacking B vitamins. You may be as well.

Because I drink fresh berry and greens smoothies, I am now mixing bee pollen and brewers yeast into them. The taste is a bit interesting with brewers yeast. And don't for a second believe anyone who tells you that yeast is yeast; that brewers yeast is not good for you. It is a phenomenal food just as bee pollen is.

And getting back to the smoothies, because I prefer variety, I will do just berry smoothies, berry and greens smoothies, berry and raw egg smoothies, and on occasion add some root veggies in as well, such as radish or potato. I generally add kefir to the mix, along with inulin, since this is a pre-biotic and like kefir, good for the digestive system. I nearly always use banana in my smoothies, sometimes kiwi, sometimes pear, sometimes apple, orange, etc. You get the idea.

You can do a google search for smoothie recipes. or get the book from Victoria Boutenko, titled "Green For Life".

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