In my last post, I told you I would let you in on what aromatherapy, or as many call it, essential oils, have done for me. Non-therapeutic quality, which is found all over the place, does little for you, and sometimes is more harmful than helpful. Young Living's oils are genuinely therapeutic quality.
I developed insulin dependent diabetes at the age of 24. The doctor and nurses told me I would never get better, only worse. Intuitively, I knew this could not be true. This is what started me on my learning curve, and what put me in the position now of helping you. I now have over 20,000 hours of health research and helping others get rid of disease to draw upon. Cancer and AIDS are actually fairly simple to get rid of.
So without the internet available due to the newness now of it, I went on a quest to find my cure. I got ahold of every bit of literature I could find in healing, and devoured it. But rather than give you my life story here, because there simply isn't room, I'll just highlight issues and healing modalities.
1. For diabetic neuropathy, I applied Lemon oil and Peppermint oil topically and massages in to the skin. Medical literature shows Lemon increases micro circulation, and Peppermint is a very effective anti-inflammatory. I used these solely on intuition. My neuropathy was completely gone in 3 weeks.
2. Having had been a diabetic, my eyesight had suffered. I found that lemon oil, applied on the bottom of the feet, was very helpful in restoring my vision. This did take some time to accomplish, but results were noticed after about 3 weeks of usage.
3. I developed migraines at about the age of 36. After having them for over 6 years, I made a discovery due to my uses of aromatherapies, that Clove oil could help. It was helping. After 7 years, or less than about 6 months of the use of Clove oil for this, the migraines were gone. And it's been longer than the 7 years of having them that they are still gone. These applications generally take only a drop or two of oil each time.
4. I was bit by a black widow in the thigh, in the year 2000. I was living in the country(my favorite place to be), got extremely sick in 5 minutes, and knew that an ambulance ride could be prohibitively expensive. I was unable to drive myself because I was just too sick from the poison from that bite. Going on a small amount of knowledge, I decided instead of calling 911, to use an essential oil blend designed to neutralize odors. This blend had also been discovered to help neutralize poisons from insect bites, although I never found a black widow in any literature for this oil blend. I applied a couple of drops of the oil(about 10 cents worth), on the bite location. Within 20 seconds the pain from the bite was gone. In about 20 minutes, I was back to normal. No effects of the poison of the bite. Poison had been neutralized.
5. I was bitten by a brown recluse in 2007, on my right arm. I have to tell you, there is little that is more disturbing and potentially terrifying, that watching your flesh melt away in front of your eyes. I used that same oil blend along with a couple of single oils topically on location. Even after 30 minutes, I was seeing no effect. Feeling a bit desperate, I kept using the essential oils and the oil blend. In about an hour from being bitten, the poison appeared neutralized. The flesh was no longer disappearing. I then started using lavender oil to rebuild the flesh. Medical science says this is impossible, but my body apparently hadn't heard that yet. I now have no visual effects of that bite. My arm is completely restored. I was harshly chastised by a medical doctor who told me the brown recluse doesn't exist in the pacific northwest. So sad that so many don't know truth. I've seen a total of 10 of the brown recluse between 1994 and 2007. I now know many spiders very well.
6. I suffered a 2nd degree burn from a fire in 1999. One of my colleagues saw me, and said: You got pretty badly burnt. No kidding. I went immediately for my lavender oil and massaged it in. The pain was almost completely gone in about a minute. I kept using the lavender till the burn was completely healed. There is nothing visual or physical to show any indication of that burn.
These are just a few of the things I have used therapeutic quality aromatherapy on myself for. To post what I have done with aromatherapy on others would take a small book to reference it all. I would almost never consider using a hospital anymore, nor a medical doctor. Doesn't mean it couldn't happen, but it would be rare that I would even consider.
The next posting will show what some common uses of specific essential oils may help with. Again, I am not prescribing aromatherapy. And again, I will never be without them. In my opinion though, they are far better than any drug, and used properly, in accordance with the laws of nature, if they are truly therapeutic quality, have zero adverse side effects, which are common in all drugs.
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